Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My dear blog, how I've missed you!

Ladies and gents, Emily Louise Schmitz has returned to the world of the blog.

So I took about a two month hiatus, but I had an excuse, because my life was so boring in the past month or so that I had absolutely nothing to write about. Well, that's not completely true, because there is always random and goofy junk that happens from time to time... so when something silly occurs in my life from now on, I'll stop flapping my yapper and just blog instead :)

Here's an update on Em's life, as of June 19, 2007:
-I'm currently enrolled in EN 372, an American Lit course with Ray Ventre. It starts at 7:30 am and no, I have not killed a classmate or stolen anyone's soul (as of yet). I consider that a successful five weeks.
-I go to the beach on average about 3 times a week, which has done magical things to my what was once my incandescent, glowing white skin. I can almost say that I no longer resemble a heavenly visitor and people in town do not throw trinkets at me.
-I am still in love with working at Jilbert's, even though we don't wear cow hats anymore (the horror... the tragedy!) and I come home with ice cream in my hair and eyelashes at least twice a week. Hey, what's the fun of working in a dairy if that's not the case!
-I have been obsessed with High School Musical since my brother's play at the end of April (He did a wicked amazing, Schmitastic job... you can watch a clip of the play on youtube, just type in High School Musical, Fowlerville, in the box. He's the tall kid with the basketball aka Troy Bolton. I wish it was a clip of him singing, but hopefully that'll come later once someone gets the DVD of the play finished.)
- I sing those songs daily at the dairy, and I use my angelic, Broadway-savvy voice to my advantage to make fast cash in tips. (There was only ONE man who took his cone and then gave me a dollar to shut my cakehole). Once again, a success!
-When I realized that Facebook actually has an icon of the AMISH listed in the stylepix for that new hotlist thing, I almost died of sheer delight. Even Facebook, the land of scary lets-use-technology-to-stalk-everyone-and-their-cocker-spaniel, has acknowledged the beauty of the Amish lifestyle... how about it! That alone makes me happier than a bunch of kids chasing a leaky cow.
-I get to go home for a WHOLE week next Thursday! That means Westphalia for 4th of July and my own cozy bed and Donald juggling and being goofy with Diana and seeing my F'ville darlings and and my mom and dad spoiling me. Ummm, yeah, maybe for the first day anyway... that whole "distance makes the heart grow fonder" thing only works for for a maximum of 24 hours with them... after that, I'll be doing yardwork or working on junk in the barn and being told to be home by midnite. I'M SO COTTON-PICKING EXCITED!

That's all for now... I'm off like a pair of dirty socks!


Anonymous said...

Yea!!! Em is back to blog land!!! I'm so excited!!! Great blog - very entertaining!

Unknown said...


twofortango said...

You are so silly...Thats why I love you!