Saturday, December 30, 2006

Sayonara, 2006!

For the record, I am not getting married in three weeks.

That was simply a ruse to a) mock the silly chain-blogging thing and b) make me feel better about myself, because seeing the words "I'm getting married" typed made me believe that it actually might happen someday. KIDDING!

Today was fun.... 'twas a day spent in Westphalia with lots of Schmitz's, delish food, and lots of memorable times spent down on the farm. Our family Christmas party was originally supposed to be on the 17th, but because my Aunt Linda was so sick, we had to postpone it until today. I think I have to be the luckiest girl alive to be born into a huge family like mine... they're loud, quirky, German to the core, and the sweetest, most down-to-earth people you could ever hope to meet. They make me happier than a bunch of kids chasing a leaky cow.

Anyway, I'm positively exhausted and Scrubs isn't on tonite so I'm going to read and actually hit the hay early. EARLY, as in 1:00 am. Goodness, for the love of Oprah, when did that happen? How I miss the days of going to bed at 4:30 am like I was doing earlier this fall... I was never more engergetic and enthusiastic about life!

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