Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Emily Schmitz: The Story of a Wanna-Be Engineer

My roommate and I got in a discussion last weekend at Michigan Tech. I asked her if she would rather want to be extremely, strinkingly beautiful or really, really, Michigan-Tech worthy intelligent. She told me she would rather be pretty because anything engineering-related doesn't interest her, but I kept challenging and harassing her about the benefits of being a woman who is science and math savvy until finally Liz said, "BASICALLY all you're asking is if we'd rather be pretty or smart." Ohhh... so THAT'S how you ask simple questions! I never knew.

Anyway, obviously, I would rather be Michigan Tech-worthy smart. (It's because I already have all the beauty one person can possibly be blessed with... any more and it just wouldn't be fair to everyone else. HA) I can say I'm a pretty intelligent woman in a lot of areas, especially knowing random facts about really random things (Did anyone know that Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button?) But I am ix-nay on the math and science ability... my sister got all of that, but whatev, I've accepted that AND forgiven my parents for passing those genes along to her. But seriously, I think I would rather go to Michigan Tech more than any other university in the whole world... it's like when I visited Harvard or Yale, you just FEEL smart being in that atmosphere. (Or really out of place...?). But Michigan Tech is in the heart of U.P. splendor, I'm especially fond of the surplus of men, and maybe one day if I accidently walk into an electrical box and become a savant like the Rain Man I'll be able to become a Husky myself.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Wow, you would ditch NMU (where the N stands for knowledge) to be a Husky!? You realize that what many of them have in brains, they completely lack in social skills or even common sense (not all of them mind you, I have met a fair number who are well rounded).
Basically, you are calling us second rate. I'm hurt. I'm in tears. Ok, I don't actually care, but its fun to complain!