Sunday, July 15, 2007

Stream of Consciousness II

Although my eyes are burning out of their ever-loving sockets, I'm going to stay up for another half an hour and write about the most random junk that comes to my mind. Enjoy!

I just spent an hour and a half of my precious life watching Road Trip, that goofy movie with Tom Green circa 2000. I think a lot of junk is funny and I know I giggle at just about everything, but holy sniff my pickle, that movie is by far one of the most hysterical I have ever seen.

I strongly recommend Colgate Icy Blast toothpaste to all those who enjoy toothpaste that tastes so minty delish that you just want to eat spoonfuls of it out of the tube. But keep it on the toothbrush my friends, keep it on the toothbrush.

Speaking of toothpaste... does anyone (besides Diana) remember that old episode of Ramona where she's bored one day so she squeezes an entire tube of new toothpaste into the sink and plays with it, and then her mom gets pissed so she makes Ramona scoop it all into a plastic bag and she has to dip her toothbrush in it until it's all gone?! I loooooved that episode! Ahhh, memories circa 1988 are always sweet ones.

My eyes feel like I stabbed them repeatedly with a rusty fork and then drove a flaming hot stoker through my retinas.

I am utterly smitten with one dashing cop down in Petoskey, Michigan :)

My half birthday is officially in 17 days! Because everyone knows that turning 22 and a HALF is QUITE the big deal, there will be a wicked celebration in the very near future to commemorate this delightful occasion.

Tide laundry detergent is on sale this week at Target for $5... seriously, five bucks! Have I died and gone to housewife heaven?!

I decided that I'm going to name my first born son Nebuchadnezzar, after the Babylonian king who captured Syria and Palestine in 605 B.C. What a wicked name... can you imagine cooing tha to a baby? "Oooohh, Nebuchadezzar, come to mama! Good baby Nebuchadnezzar!" That doesn't sound creepy at all. My tongue goes into convulsions at the mere thought of all those syllables.

Our lease to this hell-hole is up in one month and we still have no idea where we're going to move.

I wish it was a Cassandra-and-Emily road trip year. At this time one year ago, we were frollicking across the country and getting lost in shitholes like Youngstown, Ohio and being rushed to the E.R. in Philly and camping in Amish country and sweating to death on the streets of New York and doing photo shoots on the lawn of the Vanderbilt mansion in Rhode Island... I would give my left kidney for the chance to do that all again this summer!

Okay, time for bed. I'm off like the black on Michael Jackson.


Anonymous said...

OMGosh Emily... you are so funny!!! Thank you for making me laugh here at work. Awesome!!!!

krustacianken said...