Thursday, December 28, 2006

Golly gee damn

Ohh Rye-Bread, I completely agree with you in this "tag blogging" extravanganza that someone from the CCM realm started (Bridge, was that you!?) and we all feel compelled to complete. I was going to "accidently overlook" the fact that everyone else did it and just go about my merry blogging way, but because Ryan did point out that we all will be living together in Chi-town for three straight days (in ONE WEEK!), I'm going to avoid any ostracization and get this over with.

Three things I got for Christmas:

1. A dashing man (P.S., I'm getting married in three weeks.)
2. A spankin' new truck (A black 2007 Chevy Silverado 1500 to be precise.)
3. An all-expense paid trip to Europe (Schweizer Alpen, komme ich her!)

Three things I wouldn't want for Christmas:

1. Any sort of animal/pet/living creature (With the exception of a herd of cows.)
2. A cell phone (I hate mine with a fiery passion and am tempted to throw it against the wall on multiple occasions, when I'm not ignoring it and pretending it doesn't exist).
3. A trip to Florida (The most volatile, boring state in the entire U.S.)

There you have it! In all reality, I did have a positively delightful Christmas with all the normal, regular, humble toys from Santa Claus (Claus... Klause... is that German?)... DVDs, books, games, clothes, lots of "You live in the U.P. so you must be freezing all the time" scarves, slipper socks, union suits, ect. 'Twas a delightful Christmas. Despite the fact that it was December 25th in Michigan and it was warm enough to um... okay, not snow. My Dimaggio-streak of not being able to say anything remotely witty is really kicking in tonight.

On a side note, I positively LOVE the show Scrubs. I might love it more than I love Amish people. It is the goofiest and most hilarious TV show in existence... I'm currently watching it at the moment and I just had 4 laughing attacks in the span of 30 minutes, and I always wonder what my brother is thinking when he hears me laughing through the wall in the middle of the cotton pickin' night.

I can't wait to see all of you for our big city adventure baby! Time to hit the hay... I'm off like the black on Michael Jackson.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Emily, you got the best presents for Christmas. Too bad it was all just a dream. I do hope that Santa Claus dropped down your chimney and left you some good gifts.

~Merry Christmas and Happy New Year